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Welcome to the web-site of the Lingfield Nature Reserves. We hope that you enjoy browsing our web-site and, even more, that you enjoy looking around our nature reserves, which are only the 2nd village-based reserve in the country to be awarded LNR (Local Nature Reserve) status by English Nature.

The reserves occupy a 26-acre site and are a mixture of meadows, hedges, and woodland copses and also boast a wetland area with a number of ponds and small pools, an orchard, a wildflower meadow and a butterfly garden. The reserves are managed in such a way as to gain maximum benefit for the flora and fauna, with increased biodiversity very much in mind.

Management and administration of the reserves is undertaken by a team of volunteers and, as such, we are always on the look-out for a bit more help - both in terms of expertise and manpower. If you are interested in helping to look after this wonderful local resource, why not come along to our regular work parties, which are usually held once a month, and if you have any particular knowledge of any aspect of wildlife or habitat management, we would be particularly interested in hearing from you.

Access to the reserves is free and open to all, and a network of both hard-standing and grass paths makes it suitable for pushchairs and wheelchair users.



Please click on the link to view our video on the Reserves.

Lingfield Nature Reserves - from horse paddocks to butterfly havenyoutu.be


Surrey Wildlife Trust Community Champion Awards

On 3rd August 2023, Surrey Wildlife Trust announced the winners of the Community Champion Awards, celebrating individual and collective actions being taken for nature by Surrey Community Groups.

Lingfield Nature Reserves are thrilled to have been awarded the High Flyer award for making a significant imact on connecting nature and engaging local people. On behalf of the Reserves, John Madden and Lesley Steeds accepted a bespoke surrey Wildlife Trust plaque which will be displayed in the Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre.

Follow the link below for a Youtube video of John explaining more about the success of the Reserves.




..... And another award,

The reserves are on a bit of a roll. Here we are picking up “Outstanding” in the It’s Your Neighbourhood category of the RHS and South & South East in Bloom awards in October 2023. It’s wonderful to have external recognition of our achievements.


Butterflies ... A Great Success Story on the Reserves bucking the National trend!

We have been counting butterflies on the Lingfield Nature Reserves since 2002 and this has been our best year ever in terms of total numbers of butterflies recorded. This is in stark contrast to the Big Butterfly Count 2021 by Butterfly Conservation, which sadly saw the lowest number of butterflies and moths ever recorded (see the lnnk below)

So what is behind our very different experience to the Big Butterfly Count? Small/essex skipper, dingy skipper, orange tip, brown argus, red admiral, gate keeper and meadow brown all had their best ever years. Brimstone, small copper, peacock and small heath had their second best ever year. That is quite a range of species with different flight periods, life cycles, preferred habitats and food plants. Some of it maybe down to over enthusiastic recording due to the Butterfly Garden now being so good as a nectar source as is the area around the Coldharbour pond but it is hard not to conclude that improving habitat is the reason. The replanting of the Butterfly Garden now full of buddleia and other excellent nectar sources must be contributing to the numbers for species like red admiral and peacock. The planting of alder buckthorn all over the reserves must be helping brimstone. Meanwhile our best ever year for common spotted orchids and evidence of betony spreading out from the ditches into the wider meadows suggests the grasslands are getting more flower rich. This must be helping our butterflies buck the national trend. It just shows that we can do something about insect declines and everyone should try to create good habit with more wildflowers.



 Small Copper in Bloomers Field (30/9/21) (Image courtesy of Richard Stephens) 



Work Party Details ...

Lingfield Nature Reserves Leaflet


Follow us!

Keep up to date on wildlife sightings, current and future projects on the Reserves by joining our Facebook group (Lingfield Nature Reserves) and following us on Instagram (@lingfieldnaturereserves) and Twitter (@AreaWildlife). Click on the links below.



    © Lingfield Nature Reserves 2011-2020      All rights reserved

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